Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why I'm not a Blogger

Really? My last post was when Dylan was 6 weeks old. My goodness, the time flies!! My baby is now 9 months old, I'm planning birthday parties, and I'm looking forward to warm weather.

This has been one, harsh winter. Everett has had pneumonia, 4 ear infections and terrible cold/coughs. Dylan has caught every sniffle Everett brought home, RSV, 2 ear infections and pink eye. We have visited the Dr more often than I would like, for sure.

The latest on Everett ...  He has done very well in preschool. He is learning so much, it's unbelievable what he comes up with. He has made wonderful friends and will tell you he LOVES his friends. I must say that not every day is a "green" day, and we have had a handful of "yellow", but it has been a wonderful experience for him. We took a field trip to see Toy Story 3 on Ice, he visited with Firemen and was able to ride the firetruck, has made tons of keepsakes for me to hold onto forever, and so many more memories. He is really big into Batman and Star Wars right now. He wants a Star Wars party for his birthday.

The latest on Dylan ... Dylan is a constant babbler. He says "da-da" constantly, "bye-bye" sometimes, and "ki-ki" (kitty kitty) when he thinks nobody is listening. He is crawling, pulling up, and furniture walking. He is a lot more into everything than Everett ever was at this age. Dylan loves finding paper to chew on. He can play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo and loves to eat anything. He is especially growing an interest in what we are eating and wants to try it all. He can feed himself finger foods (puffs, yogurt melts, crackers). He is so mild mannered, the only time he will actually cry is if he is tired or ready for a bottle. He is just  a super baby!

So that's catches us up to present. I hope I can do better :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dylan is 6 weeks old

Dylan had his one month appointment this week. He was actually 6 weeks since he didn't get his Hep B shot until he was 8 days old, and it had to be one month from that date. He is really growing and changing. He weighed 10 lbs 15 ounces and was 22 inches. He is now lifting his head and holding it up on his own while being burped. He smiles ALL the time while he is sleeping and will even chuckle occasionally. He will smile at me and has started "talking" when being talked to.  He has started focusing more on faces when he is spoken to and notices his mobile above his swing and crib. He has a very bad case of seborrheic dermatitis on his face and neck but I pray it is getting better.

He is such a good baby. The only time he will really cry is when he is hungry and boy will he let you hold it if you take too long getting it to him. He is staying awake a little more in between bottles but still sleeps a lot. Dylan wakes one time during the night, takes his bottle, and goes right back to sleep. I know I have blessed. He and Everett are still best friends. We went a couple of weeks ago to have pictures taken and I got those back this week. They are so beautiful. I couldn't have asked for them to be any better. Everett still acts out a little to get some attention, but never takes his jealousy out on Dylan. Ev wants to hold, love and kiss him all the time and pretty much does. I know they are going to be good buddies as they get older.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Everett's First Pets

It's official. We are now the proud owners of two precious, little ... HERMIT CRABS. On my mother's trip to the beach this weekend for a wedding, she decided to bring Everett back a gift. As a child, we had a place at Atlantic Beach. I loved going to the beach each summer and bringing back a hermit crab. It seems like I got one each summer. Everett decided to name the crabs Bert and Ernie. Bert likes to stay in his shell during the day and we rarely get to see him, but Ernie is very "social." Everett wants to get him out and "play" all day. The first night they were in his room, we turned out all the lights and turned off the TV as we listened to them playing until he went to sleep. I remember being excited about my lil' pets as a child and I love seeing the same excitement in my child now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting Started

I have said so many times, I would love to start a blog, but would never have the time to do it. Well, I'm out to try to prove myself wrong. Writing has always been a passion of mine, as well as my family, so I thought I would join the two by starting this blog. I'm home on maternity leave and will be home all summer, so I thought there would be no better time than the present.

To start, we have just welcomed our newest boy to the Jackson household. Dylan McCoy was born May 7, 2010. After Greg and I lost our first son in 2006, due to a placental abruption at 39 weeks, I was considered very high risk in my subsequent pregnancies. Our next son, Everett Douglas was induced at 37 weeks in April '07 and was absolutely perfect. We followed the same plan with Dylan and delivered at 37 weeks as well. However, his lungs weren't quite ready and fully developed, so he had to stay in the Intensive Care Nursery under an oxygen hood for a few days. It was a nightmare for us, but the doctors and nurses that cared for him were the best and made a hard situation a lot easier. After spending 9 days in the ICN, Dylan was finally able to come home on May 16th.

Our family is complete and I am way outnumbered, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Everett is the best Big Brother one lil' baby could ask for. He gets very concerned with any little fuss Dylan makes. He wants to smell and kiss him all the time. He is very protective and hasn't shown any signs of jealousy. Dylan is a very easy baby. He still sleeps a lot, but is waking up a lot more the last week. He wakes one time during the night only to have a bottle and goes right back to sleep. He travels well in the car seat, but is not crazy about bath time. However, he is getting better. I feel so blessed every day to have such beautiful babies and a loving, hard-working husband. He has to be the best Daddy to his boys!