Really? My last post was when Dylan was 6 weeks old. My goodness, the time flies!! My baby is now 9 months old, I'm planning birthday parties, and I'm looking forward to warm weather.
This has been one, harsh winter. Everett has had pneumonia, 4 ear infections and terrible cold/coughs. Dylan has caught every sniffle Everett brought home, RSV, 2 ear infections and pink eye. We have visited the Dr more often than I would like, for sure.
The latest on Dylan ... Dylan is a constant babbler. He says "da-da" constantly, "bye-bye" sometimes, and "ki-ki" (kitty kitty) when he thinks nobody is listening. He is crawling, pulling up, and furniture walking. He is a lot more into everything than Everett ever was at this age. Dylan loves finding paper to chew on. He can play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo and loves to eat anything. He is especially growing an interest in what we are eating and wants to try it all. He can feed himself finger foods (puffs, yogurt melts, crackers). He is so mild mannered, the only time he will actually cry is if he is tired or ready for a bottle. He is just a super baby!
So that's catches us up to present. I hope I can do better :)